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True Health Now

True Health Now

There is the known,
the yet to be known,
and what can never be known.

Health is a natural state of life and gift from Mother Nature who is the power behind all life. Health is as natural as being born. The miracle of birth is humbling and aside from a man & woman being together at the right time, the rest occurs in a magical and mysterious way. It is beyond human perception to know how and why the trillions of biochemical, anatomical, neurological and other physiological occurrences happen and grow from two cells into a whole fully developed child.

Being healthy means we sleep well, digest food well, are at ease, and free from disease. When we are in a state of perfect health, all the organs, viz., heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, liver, intestines, hormone producing glands, etc... work in perfect harmony. The elimination process from the lungs, intestines and kidneys are done efficiently and freely with regularity. A healthy person smiles and laughs often and is cheerful and happy. A healthy person fulfills daily duties with comfort and is capable of doing work for a full day without tiring. A healthy person possesses the highest level of mental and physical efficiency. Without good health it is difficult to prosper in life. Health is the ultimate wealth.

How many healthy people do you know?

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Breathe is a communication from Angelo Castello DC for the purpose of providing information to improve health, wellbeing, and one's quality of life.
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Breathe is a communication from Angelo Castello DC for the purpose of providing information to improve health, wellbeing, and one's quality of life.
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